Saturday, August 5, 2023


John the Baptist would be in the wilderness of preparation when he received the Word for proclamation. It is interesting how many of God’s men were readied for public declaration through private isolation. Moses was in the wilderness caring for his father-in-law’s flocks when the Lord spoke to Him. It took him forty years to graduate from that “seminary,” but what a man of God he had been molded to be!  David was likewise tending sheep when he was summoned to become the shepherd of Israel. God assigned him a work, but also gave him His Word. The anointing with oil was an attestation of the anointing of the Spirit. Further, Amos was a shepherd whom God set apart for prophetic declaration. Do you see the pattern here?

It is good to be alone with God—to be apart from the din and clamor of our world. Horns honking, engines racing, radios blaring, voices calling—all the raucous noise that can drown out the still, small voice of God. 

This time I am now spending has often been referred to as “the daily quiet time.”  It has been the pattern of my Christian life to rise early in the morning to meet with the Lord. Being alone, having conversation with God as I hear His voice in Scripture and lifting my voice in supplication in response. If there is anything that has propelled me forward in maturity and prepared me for ministry, it has been this daily discipline. It has been said that my worth to God in public is what I am in private.  How can I speak for God until I hear from Him?

Yet, this is not sermon preparation, but the spiritual preparation of the preacher. There is a time for study in anticipation of the proclamation of God’s truth from the pulpit. Certainly, God may give us a message as the one I am sharing today. Yet, the intent of morning devotions is for our own growth in godliness. It helps me to be and not just to say.  

Of course, the daily quiet time is vital for every Christian’s development and not just meant for preachers. Before God called me to preach, the pattern had already been established in my life.  Whatever the nature of service in the church—a Bible study leader, a deacon, a children’s worker, a member of the finance committee—each disciple needs development and this discipline is demanded.

I would also advocate a “sabbatical,” for elders in the church, as such a time is often called. I began a yearly pattern of a few days away alone with God to pray and plan. It may be profitable after a number of years in church work to have a longer time—several weeks to reflect and be refreshed. Visit other churches, hear from other preachers, just soak in without having to give out.

 “If the ax is dull, And one does not sharpen the edge, Then he must use more strength; But wisdom brings success.”  (Ecclesiastes‬ ‭10‬:‭10‬‬). Some of us have been so busy swinging the ax, that we have failed to sharpen the edge. We work feverishly, but not fruitfully.  Go to the woods, not to cut logs, but to pause and regain your edge. 

Does God have you in a season of being in the wilderness?  Do not strive to escape, but rather embrace it as the providential hand of God shaping you for your work.  You can turn the time of present inactivity into future productivity.  Wait, reflect, grow, prepare—God knows where you are and can get you where you need to be.  A dear friend gave me that counsel as a young student at Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute (now College). It was the crucible of refining—helping to make me a man God could use. 

The work continues.

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