Saturday, August 19, 2023



Too often we are content to splash around in the shallows. Stephen Olford reminds us in these devotional thoughts to go deeper. How much productivity have we missed in ministry because we did not launch out by faith according to the Word of the Lord?

If you recall the story, the disciples had fished all night and caught nothing. Then Jesus commanded them to get back in the boat and go back in the water—but to go deeper this time. Simon protested initially. Perhaps he thought, “We are worn out. We have been at this all night with nothing to show for it. We just got our nets clean. I mean, we are experts at this as fishermen by trade—and You are carpenter!”  

Have we studied methodology, immersed ourselves in demographics, and made excuses for the lack of response  by pointing to the difficulties modern culture presents?  There is help that may be found and truth to acknowledge in those areas, but supremely our call is to say, “Master we have toiled…and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net,” (Lk. 5:5). 

When I get to heaven someday will the Lord show me what might have been had I only trusted in Him?

To their credit, the disciples did as Jesus said—and that faith enabled them to catch so many fish, the weight of them nearly sunk the boats!  Peter recognized the sinfulness of his unbelief and the power of Christ, falling at the Lord’s feet in repentance. The Lord let them know that this wasn’t really about catching fish, but would illustrate His call for them to catch men!

These simple fishermen in faith and obedience to the Lord changed the course of history and impacted eternity. It is said, “they forsook all and followed Him,” (Lk. 5:11b). God desires to do a deeper work in us and through us. Let us trust Him!

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