Saturday, July 29, 2023



How did we ever get anywhere without GPS?  I get in my car and tell Siri where I want to go, and directions are spoken me. I am told of hazards to avoid, and navigated to my destination.

Preachers are to be like that. We are meant to navigate people accurately through this world and into the world to come. Zechariah is told by the angel Gabriel that his son John will be such a messenger of God.  He will turn them with truth. 

The problem is that we are all headed the wrong direction. Sin has brought darkness and we cannot see the way. To continue on that path is to end in the wreckage of wickedness—a fiery crash. People must be turned by truth. John would do that. Truth would turn me to God, and now it is my job to direct others. 

We turn the hearts of sinners to the Father. This is the basic course correction required. Gospel truth has the power to do so. John would minister in that spiritual power, as had the prophet Elijah. You recall that Old Testament man of God and how he called a depraved culture to turn from paganism to the Living God. Sadly, many would not, but some did.  For most it made no difference, but for those who responded it made all the difference. John the Baptist would point people to the Lamb of God—the Lord Jesus. Preacher, are you confronting sin and calling for repentance?

Further, we turn the hearts of fathers to their children. The home is the discipleship factory. When fathers turn to God, their hearts are directed to evangelizing their children. I cannot imagine a dad who is right with God who would not have a passion to bring his children to heaven with him. Yet, fathers must be encouraged and equipped. That is the church’s role, and it begins with the pastor in the pattern he sets and the principles he shares.

Thus, like John, we turn people from being disobedient to being justified. This is accomplished by the truth of God’s Word faithfully proclaimed. We prepare people to meet God.

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