Saturday, August 20, 2022



The Word of God is our spiritual food. In Revelation 10, John is handed “the little book,” and told to eat it. Its contents will taste as sweet as honey to the lips, but sour to the stomach—bitter to digest. The message of Revelation is one that is a sweet word for it speaks to the end of sin and the victory of God, with the new creation. It is about heaven and the saints being in a place where there are no more tears!  Yet, it also presents a sour word for it reveals the end of sinners and the wrath of God, with the end of the old creation. It is about hell and the sinners being in a place where there are endless tears!

This is the double-edged sword of the Word. John was told to proclaim it, and every preacher has this duty. In so doing, there will be those who respond to the sweetness of its promises and rejoice in it. But, others will react with bitterness to its rebuke of their sin. Yet, the preacher is called to faithfulness in expounding that little Book as it is, and let the chips fall where they may. 

Before we ever step into the pulpit, however, we must apply the Word personally. The message must be digested by us, before it is declared by us. The truth is that Word will be often sour as it sinks into our flesh and takes us to the cross.  Our carnal nature will not want to swallow such a bitter pill. Preacher, take your own medicine, for you will find it also so sweet, as the Lord cleanses and comforts, raising you up to walk in newness of life and be joy to your spiritual nature. It is the road that takes us to glory, and we are privileged to preach it, that we might take others with us!  Yet, with a broken heart, we also realize there will be those who reject it, to their everlasting regret.

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