Saturday, August 6, 2022


Six seals of the scroll have been opened by the Lamb, and under each a judgment was revealed. Now, before the seventh is opened, a silence comes—a sacred pause—for opening the seventh seal will bring seven trumpet judgments. As each angel sounds a trumpet, intensified horrors will be unleashed on the sinners of earth.

That is the future God has decreed. But, for now we cannot be silent. The trumpet of truth needs to be placed in our mouths and its message urgently announced. We must warn the lost of the doom that is coming. Should they die before this fire falls from heaven, they will not evade a worse fire into which they will fall!

Paul commanded us to “Preach the word!  Be ready in season and out of season.” (2 Tim.4:2). Preach when people are responsive—in season—and when they reject it—out of season. The Word of God is in season even when some think it out of season. Stephen Olford described this as preaching where we, “take opportunities and make opportunities.”  Find a way to preach the Gospel.  It is imperative!

There will come a day when the Gospel will be out of season. A silence is coming. The trumpets that sound will not be an appeal to good news, but an announcement of bad news. This brings an urgency to our preaching. The witness you speak today or the sermon you share tomorrow might be the final opportunity for some soul to be saved. Their eternal destiny hangs in the balance!

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