Saturday, August 13, 2022



Surely these are some of the most horrible words we find in Scripture. To think that so many would experience such pain—judgment due to their sin—and yet refuse to repent, chills us to the bone.

How often we may have shared the Gospel as plainly and powerfully as God’s Spirit enables us, yet sinners have resisted the message and turned away. In that turning, judicial hardening comes. The stab of the Spirit’s sword in the conscience, oft resisted, tends to callous the soul and such sharp conviction is not felt in the same manner—perhaps ever again.

The preacher may feel a failure at such point. His yearning is for sinners to repent. While it may be true that a preacher does not always bring his “A” game to the pulpit, the Gospel never fails. It is the sinner who fails—they hear, but do not repent.

Let us pray for the Spirit’s conviction to painfully prick hearts. Let us preach with passion and plead for souls to surrender to Christ. Let us present Jesus as clearly and convincingly as we may, yet know that many will reject the message, harden their hearts, and go to a place where there is weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

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