Saturday, March 5, 2022



Preachers should make much of Christ and be cautious not to make much of themselves. Some pastors have the capacity to strut while they sit and swagger as they sleep. They appear to read their press clippings as often as they read their Bible. Success to them is the number of “likes,” and “shares,” on social media and in the frequency of invitations to appear on a stage in some denominational event.

We are servants of the Lord. Some want to climb the ladder. Others want to ascend a pedestal. God’s expectation for us is in the opposite direction. We are here to take the basin and towel, stooping to serve, as did our blessed Lord!  There are some dirty feet in need of washing.  This is being like Jesus. 

BE PEACEABLE, and not pugilistic. “The servant of the Lord must not quarrel.”  There is much evil to fight against—inside us, in the hearts of the church members, and especially in our fallen world. Yet, do not be famous for your feuds. Have an open hand to lift others instead of a clenched fist to slug them. Don’t go looking for trouble. It will find you often enough without your aid.

BE GENTLE, and not harsh.  Paul says, “be gentle to all.”  Some may be characterized as “a bull in a china shop.”  They may not build a church up, but have a proven track record of knowing how to blow it up!  Picture a physician who treats a child with a broken bone. He does not grab their shattered limb and jerk them around—only increasing the pain and compounding the damage. Rather, he gently sets the bone in place, stabilizes it, and facilitates healing. We have many broken people in our pews who need such gentle care.

BE CAPABLE, especially in teaching. The Apostle says God’s servant is “able to teach.”  If a pastor cannot feed the flock, then he cannot shepherd them. We may lack competency in many areas, but we cannot be ineffective communicators. Our position calls for teaching the truth. God has spoken through His Word and uses his men to proclaim it with authority, clarity, urgency, and to do so capably.  You may not be the best, but you cannot afford to be bad. Teaching is a gift, but also a skill that can be improved if we labor at it.

BE DURABLE, and not given to quitting. We are to be “patient.”  The farmer in the field knows he cannot sow seed and reap a crop the next day. There is a season of dealing with drought, facing a deluge, winds that blow, weeds to pull, bugs to kill, varmints to stop, disease to fight, and then the work of gathering the harvest. Our church field will be like that. Do not give up or give out. Claim this promise, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart,” (Gal.6:9).

Dear God, 

Will you strengthen your servants today who shepherd your flock. May your peace abide in them and cause them to be peacemakers and not troublemakers. As you have been gentle to us, remind us to be tender with the broken. When we stand to speak, enable us to be effective.  To the disheartened man out there who is contemplating quitting, renew his patience.

In the Name of the Model Servant, Jesus Christ,


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