Saturday, March 12, 2022


Satan is pictured as a roaring lion seeking to devour us (1 Peter 5:8). We may be sure that his offspring—lions and lionesses, often in the church—will lurk, ready to pounce. Paul spoke of such here, and God’s servants will face them. You may hear their roar, smell the stench of their breath, and even feel the pain of their fangs clamping down on you and claws leaving you bleeding. Preacher, you will face lions—maybe dressed as deacons, or a slanderous woman—not only in the world, but in the church. Hope this encourages you to do as Paul, “so that the message might be preached fully through [you]”!  Do not back down and do not tailor the truth to fit the whims of the critics.  Paul tells us that we can face these lions without fear.  

We can STAND for the Lord stands with us. Get your eyes off the lion and look to the Lord.  Ravenous beasts are no match for Jesus Christ!  He is the Creator and Conqueror and since He is with us, we don’t have to flee in fear. He will never leave us nor forsake us.  Nehemiah was threatened and answered, “Should such a man as I flee?”  Stand your ground.

We are STRONG for our strength is from the Omnipotent. The power of the Spirit indwells us.  While in myself, I am weak—in His strength I am more than sufficient to overcome my adversaries.  They whimper and slink into the shadows when the Lion of Judah, King of the jungle of this world roars!

We are SECURE since none can truly harm us.  What is the worst an enemy might do—kill us?  But, our times are in God’s hands. He numbers our days and when He is through with us, by whatever means He sovereignty selects, He will take us home. Paul was spared from the lion before, but soon would lose his head!  Yet, He was secure in knowing that would only deliver him to glory and the greatest gain of all!  As Luther sang, “the body they may kill: God’s truth abideth still; his kingdom is forever!”

You can face the lion without fear!

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