Saturday, September 4, 2021


If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time. The Lord has set before us his standard—goals written in His Word by the pen of His apostle,.  As Paul concludes 1 Corinthians, these are significant among his final words to that church immersed in a culture of corruption. As such, they speak to us today—particularly to God’s men, seeking to lead the church as holy men of God in an unholy age.

1) BE VIGILANT, “Be watchful.”  Keep your eyes open, lest the enemy sneaks in unawares. Sometimes, he is a roaring lion, but at other times, a subtle snake. Every quarterback knows how devastating a blind-side hit can be. When a pastor is blind-sided, it can crush his spirit and break his resolve. 

2) BE CONSISTENT,  “stand firm in the faith.”  Know what you believe. Know why you believe it. Be able to defend it.  Jude wrote, “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints,” (v.3). Do not have the backbone of a jellyfish, but that of an elephant that will not bend under pressure nor bow to compromise, but stands firm on sound doctrine.

3) BE MASCULINE, “act like men.”  The culture has become increasingly feminized and sadly this has infected the church, as we see effeminate leaders who prance around the pulpit. Thank God for women that He has designed to support and nurture the ministry. They can only do what women can and should do. But, where are the men?  God has designed them to be strong and lead. Pastors are to be manly, not sissies!

4) BE STRONG, “be strong.”  This flows out of the first three traits. When a church leader is vigilant, consistent, and masculine, then he will be a strong servant of the Lord. There will be a spiritual vitality and tenacity about him. This is strength from the Lord.  He does not rest in his own power, but is braced by grace. There is courage and conviction in battle, as he leads God’s army dressed in the whole armor of God.

5) BE LOVING, “Let all that you do be done in love.”  The pastor can be vigilant without being vicious. He can be consistent without being contentious. He can be masculine without being mean. He can be strong without being stubborn. Love should permeate all our ways. Love of the flock will help us watch over them. Love for truth will help us use Scripture for a rod against the foe, but a staff for the flock. Love for God’s design will enable us to be the men God created us to be. Love for our calling will equip us to exert strength when tempted to quit.

Man of God, arise, set your eyes and heart on these goals! 

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