Sunday, September 26, 2021



“The great truths of revelation are neither able to preach nor defend themselves. They must have soldier preachers who proclaim and defend them. They have never conquered as silent force; they have never won as a reserve corps.”  (E.M. Bounds)

Onward, Christian preacher!  As you march into the pulpit, you go to war. Make sure you have on your armor—each piece put on with prayer. In your hand is a mighty weapon—the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. It is not a clever tongue, or a passionate argument that will prevail, but the unadulterated truth, delivered from earnest lips anointed by the Spirit of the Lord.  Put the enemy to flight!  Angels hover around you, to roll back the dark forces that would hinder you. Spend and be spent for the souls of those in your charge.

Paul tells us to endure. Warfare is wearisome; it will drain your energy. Press on!  You want to be a good soldier, not a poor one.

Paul tells us to engage. The time for strategy is over. It is time to take the field. 

Paul tells us to not be entangled. The things of this world will trip you up and bring you down to defeat. Do not let your concentration be diverted. Focus on the fight!

Paul tells us we are enlisted. You were drafted by your Commander—the Lord Jesus Christ. He has placed you in this position of responsibility. You may not please all the troops in the congregation, but seek to please Him who called you!

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