Monday, September 20, 2021


Acts 20 presents a case study of effective church leadership in the manner, ministry, and model of the Apostle Paul. 

His manner was one of ENCOURAGING THE SERVANTS (v.1-6). The key words are “encouraging,” and “encouragement.”  This was a vital partnership, as we see the plurality of leadership, “disciples,’ and the list of names in Paul’s entourage that had become quite extensive. When there is effective leadership, others will be mentored and multiplied  in such an atmosphere of spiritual vitality.  God did not mean for us to minister in isolation, but reproduction. 

His ministry was one of EXPOUNDING THE SCRIPTURES (v.7-16). Paul, “talked with them,” “prolonged his speech,” and “he conversed with them a long while.”  This was a verbal proclamation. There are many duties a church leader must attend to, but at the core of all he does is communication. Early on, the church leadership refused to be diverted from this, “we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word,” (Acts 6:4). God blessed that and the church grew (6:7).

His model was one of EXEMPLIFYING THE STANDARDS (v.17-38). The fundamental phrase is, “You yourselves know how I lived among you the whole time.”  This was a visual pattern. Effective leaders consistently model ministry—practicing what they preach. There were tears, mentioned twice, in displaying a passion for ministry—his weeping. Paul did not just go through the motions, but displayed his emotions—a broken heart for hell-bound sinners.  There were trials, “the plots of the Jews,” “imprisonment and afflictions,” “fierce wolves.”  That is demonstrating  the problems in ministry—his warfare. Ministry launches an invasion of enemy territory and Satan will fight fiercely. There was testimony, referenced three times in these verses. That is declaring the proof of ministry—his witness. A witness has one task in court: to provide evidence in testifying the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth by the help of God, “for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God,” (v.27).

This is effective church leadership! 

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