Saturday, August 28, 2021


Church administration is not exciting to talk about, but it is essential to the task of ministry. Here is a word about the manner and method of organizing for effective service from Stephen Olford:

“Let all things be done decently and in order.”– 1 Corinthians 14:40 

The literal translation of this verse is “Let all things be done becomingly and according to arrangement.” What an exhortation to all who seek to run or organize the concerns of God!

 First, all things must be done as “becoming” the Lord, worthy of the Lord, and His glory. How careful one ought to be then to see that nothing in any way casts dishonor on what is done for Him.

 Second, “according to arrangement” does away with all the well-worn ideas about no pre-arranged plans necessary. The teaching here is clear that order and arrangement must characterize all that is done for God.

 In my life and ministry, Lord, let all things be done “decently and in order.”

Olford, Stephen F.. According to Your Word (p. 147). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. 

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