Saturday, August 7, 2021


The spiritual disciplines of the intake of God’s Word, the output of fervent prayer, and the self-denial of fasting are a trio of practices that will train you to run the course without stumbling and finish the race without faltering.  The man of God is to do holy work and that requires a consecrated character. 

It seems a regular matter to hear of a preacher caught up in scandal. Temptation came and found him unprepared to face it.  They become disqualified from ministry. It brings reproach upon God,  scorn from  the world, devastation to their family, and hurt to the body of Christ.

If so great a champion as Paul was concerned about being disqualified, then who do we think we are to ignore the real possibility?  The moment you say, “I would never,” is the time you set an appointment with failure. 

Be faithful in your preaching, but do not neglect to preach to yourself first!  That is what I am doing today, and I hope that as I speak to myself, that others will eavesdrop and be helped.

Dear God, help us not to be disqualified, but to be disciplined instead!  Take us to the cross and by the Holy Spirit put to death carnal desires, raising us to walk as Spirit-empowered men!  For the sake of and in the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.

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