The context of this text was a conflict in the Corinthian church over whether one could eat meat that may have been offered to idols. Some felt they were free to eat good meat, for they were not sacrificing to pagan gods—indeed they knew there was only one God. Others, recently saved out of that background had a weak conscience and were offended and might even be tempted back into heathenism. Liberty is not license to bring a brother or sister down. Love is the motivation to lift them up.
Paul always called on preachers to be true to sound doctrine. But, knowing theology is never enough. Satan knows Scripture and can quote it—for all the good it does him!
It is but one side of the coin. He said we are to be “speaking the truth in love,” (Eph. 4:15). The Pharisees were orthodox in doctrine, but the love of God was absent from their heart. They branded Christ as being of the Devil and demanded His crucifixion.
LEARNING CAN BREED EGOTISM. The Apostle essentially says that a “know-it-all,” is actually a “know nothing!” Leaders are learners. We should pursue knowledge with a humble awareness that there is always more to learn. We will never be omniscient. Yet, there are some so intense about the theological system in their head, that they forget to cultivate love in their hearts. These become Bible bullies who berate and belittle the man and woman in the pew. People leave the assembly driven down instead of lifted up.
LOVE WILL BRING EDIFICATION. You certainly cannot help the saints to be built up without teaching them Biblical truths, but the learning in your head must flow from the love in your heart. We are not programming computers, but feeding lambs. I have said it many times—a lesson from John Maxwell—“People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care!” Leadership is influence, and you cannot lead people unless you love people. Adrian Rogers commenting on this passage, put it this way, “It is more important to influence people than to impress them,” (Adrian Rogers Legacy Bible, p. 1288).
May we remember that as we stand behind the sacred desk this Lord’s Day! I have written this in my Bible as a reminder, “The mass of trouble in a congregation is quite unbelievable. And they come to the church, looking to you to help them, hoping for some word to bring them through.” (A. J. Gossip).
The ministry of the Word is not about you—it is about loving God and loving people. Don’t be a “bullfrog preacher,”—you hop up, puff up, and hop away! Remember that one day you will croak! Then, “for every del word men may speak, they will give account of it on the day of judgment,” (Matt. 12:36).
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