Saturday, January 11, 2025



Paul reminds us in this text that God is sovereign. He sets the terms of our service. He ordains the place where we serve and the period for our service. We are tempted when seeing the apparent success of others to covet their status. Why them?  We may be tempted to give up when facing adversity. Why us?  We need to hear the Apostle’s challenge to us. 

He calls for COMMITMENT to our calling. “Let each one remain with God.”  It is not so much what we do for God, but who we are in God. He is shaping us into the image of Christ for His glory. Sometimes we will be painfully pruned in order to bear much fruit. Abiding is the key, (cf. John 15). I heard a pastor this week who had complained at a Bible Conference that he was being mistreated at his church. The evangelist asked, “Have they nailed you to a cross yet?”  Lesson learned. To follow Jesus is to walk the Calvary Road. 

Paul demands CONTENTMENT in our calling, “remain…in that state in which he was called.”  We must stay in that state—even if it is Arkansas!  God divinely directs us. In His providence, He places us where He knows best. God does not want us to be tumble-weeds but trees that are rooted.   For trees that are rooted become fruited!  Unpack your bags, hang the pictures on the walls of the pastorium, throw away the business card of the moving company, and be grateful for the high and holy privilege of serving Him. As my mentor in ministry told me, “God knows where you are and He can get you where He wants you to be!”

Love and prayers to you my brothers—may we stay the course!

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