Saturday, September 21, 2024

BEFORE I GO: Some Final Instructions, Part 3–KEEP TRUE


America is in a perilous position. The nation has faced many assaults in the past. Growing government tyranny and the attack on cherished freedoms such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and the right to bear arms, along with the decline of our economy and open borders—while embracing the butchering of babies in the womb and parading of perversion in the streets is horrifying.  I commented recently to a lady who mentioned this that, it is “national suicide!”  

The church is no longer looked upon as a benefit to society, but an enemy. How will the church respond to living in an antagonistic world?  The choice of many churches is to cave to the culture by compromise. At first they grow quiet while still claiming to maintain their convictions. Yet, it is only a matter of time until such churches take the next step away from the faith. 

That is a bleak picture, and mirrors the one Paul paints here. The encouragement is that the church in its infancy grew and flourished in a pagan culture where they were hated and hurt.  So, may we.  

Jesus promised that His church would march to victory and the gates of hell would not be able to withstand her. Paul was in bonds, but the Gospel was not bound (2:9). He was leading prison guards and prisoners to faith, and some of those soldiers would wind up as Imperial guards and witnesses to those of Caesar’s household!  He was penning powerful words that are still changing lives today. 

There are foes we must face and a weapon we must wield as we examine 2 Timothy 3.

First, we will consider THE FOES WE MUST FACE (v.1-9). The Apostle warns that difficult times are coming. I believe they are right around the corner. I pray I am wrong, but I am persuaded that I am right. We face a foe that is mostly overt and one that is more covert. 

One foe we face is the hostility of the world (v.1-5). Watch the news on TV.  Go out into public. What Paul describes here might as well be America in the 21st century. 

Rather than loving people and using money, we will love money and use people as “lovers of self” and “lovers of money” (v. 2a).  Arrogance will be apparent as mankind is “proud” and “abusive,” (v. 2b). 

There is disrespect of authority, beginning in the home, “disobedient to parents,” (v. 2c), and defiance at home breeds disregard of heaven, “ungrateful, unholy...” (v. 2d)—rejecting our earthly fathers translating into rejection of the Eternal Father. Then follows despising His rule and throwing off moral restraint (v.3-5). Religion will be present, but an empty shell—mere ritual with deadening effect. 

This leads from the hostility of the world, which is overt, to that which is covert—the subtlety of the wayward (v.6-9). The devil manifests himself at times as a roaring lion seeking to strike fear into his prey.  On other occasions, he is a sneaky snake that crawls in and waits in the darkness before injecting its deadly venom of sin into the victim. This is how the serpent attacked Eve—first to doubt the accuracy of the Word of God with a question, “Did God actually say?” (Gen. 3:1) and then to deny the authority of the Word of God with a contradiction, “You will not surely die,” (Gen. 3:4).

The Devil uses creeps—“those who creep into households and capture weak women,” (v. 6a). They creep in on a podcast, a popular book, and so forth. If discernment is not exercised, they will be, “ever learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth,” (v. 7).  

The Apostle had previously warned, 

“Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.” (1 Tim.2:11-15). 

The culture is increasingly feminized—masculinity is under attack as “toxic”—and this spirit is growing in the church in the name of equality. Of course, there is equality of dignity among men and women!  Neither sex is to be valued above the other. Yet, while there is no difference in dignity and worth, there is a difference in duty and work. We have different roles. 

The elders of the church are to be men who are the gatekeepers of sound doctrine while the women are to be the homemakers of young disciples. Timothy’s faith had been birthed and built due to the effort of his godly mother and grandmother, (cf. 2 Tim. 1:5). Women have a different role in the church and men have a different role in the home—neither less essential, but not identical.  

Beware of counterfeits like Jannes and Jambres who opposed Moses with their fake miracles, (v. 8-9). They really didn’t seem that different on the surface, but at the heart it was the distance between heaven and hell. They learn it in a liberal seminary and export it to the local sanctuary. Little by little, they inject the serpent’s venom into the church with deadening effect.

How can we endure the hostility of the world and overcome the subtlety of the wayward?  There is THE WEAPON WE MUST WIELD (v.10-17). The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.  This is how Jesus conquered Satan, and so must we with, “It is written!”  

This mighty weapon must be wielded with endurance (v.10-15). Paul stresses endurance in v.10, 11, and the need to “continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed” (v.14). This is my call to you today—“Keep true!”  It is a fight to the finish.  

In those days, soldiers engaged in hand to hand combat, and endurance was demanded. This is true spiritually. How many have we seen who wearied of the fight, were wounded in the battle, and finally have thrown down the sword in surrender to the enemy? I first heard Warren Wiersbe say, “This world is not a playground; it is a battleground!”  

The enemy is strong and on the march. Persecution is likely to become an increasing reality.  Paul mentions it in v.11 twice and again in v.12. We have known a period of protection in America and the church has become flabby and soft.  I heard a preacher, Stuart Briscoe talking about the difference between our churches and other churches in places across the ocean that suffer persecution. I paraphrase, “In the west, we face problems and cry, ‘O God, take these burdens off my back.’ And in the east they pray, “O God, make my back strong to bear these burdens.”  

The period of protection eventually yields to a period of persecution. The world is not going to get better (v.13). Those of us who are saved will endure. The seed of Scripture has brought us faith in Jesus—and that is eternal life (v.14-15). 

This is the message which we must share with endurance and can do so with confidence (v.16-17). We can be confident in the perfection of the Word (v.16a). It is God breathed.  As God breathed into Adam and made Him a living soul, He has breathed into His prophets during the Old Testament era and His apostles in the New Testament age so that what they wrote down is a supernatural Book filled with miraculous power. 

We can be confident in the perfection of the Word, and in the profit of the Word (v.16b). It is profitable for doctrine, “teaching.”  Our beliefs are based on the Bible. It is profitable for discipline, “reproof.”  Our rebellious nature must be broken—and Scripture chastens us. It is profitable for direction, “correction.”  A light for our path to correct our wandering tendency and direct us from the path of sin and onto the path of sanctification. It is profitable for dedication, “for training in righteousness.”  Moody proposed, “This book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this book.”  

We can be confident in the perfection, profit, and purpose of the Word (v.17). The purpose of the Word is to make us “complete,”—that is, spiritually mature; capable, “equipped,”—trained for the task; committed, “for every good work”—and this is real success as God sees it.

Have you received the seed of salvation—the Word of the Gospel which brings faith in Jesus Christ?  If so, have you publicly confessed that faith?  The lines are being drawn. We get on one side or the other. It is time to take a stand for Jesus. 

Having received salvation, are you standing tall and staying true?  Is there an unwavering commitment to follow Jesus?  We must swim against the current of the culture or be swept back. 

A solid Bible-believing church is the place for the reinforcing of that faith. There you will be taught the Word of God. You will be encouraged in your walk with God. If you are not a member of such a church, why not?  If you join such a church, you can seek to keep true together!

Maybe you are in a liberal church. You don’t like it, but tolerate it. You argue, “But my grandparents are buried in the graveyard!”  The fact is that they would leave if they could. A former generation would find it heartbreaking to see what many churches degenerate into by the erosion of faith.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

BEFORE I GO: Some Final Instructions, Part 2–BE STRONG!

The Christian life is not just difficult—it is impossible. There has only been one Person who has perfectly lived the Christian life and that is Christ Himself. The bad news is you can’t do it.  The good news is you don’t have to—for Christ is in you to live His life through you.  

You are not saved by the work of Christ and sanctified by your work.  It is all of Christ and therefore all of grace. Elsewhere, Paul stated, “Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him” (Col. 2:6). He described his own experience this way, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Gal. 2:20)—all Christ is for all God demands. 

There are three areas Paul describes in 2 Timothy 2 that demand God’s power to be at work in us, so we can be strong.

BE STRONG IN SERVING (v. 1-7). We are saved to serve. See Paul’s stress on our “aim is to please,” the Lord (v.4); as “a worker,” (v.15); that is, we are “a vessels…ready for every good work” (v. 20-21); being “the Lord’s servant,” (v. 24). 

The Apostle shares INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERVANTS (v. 1-2). For the demands of Christian service, we can be “strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus.”  Yet, this grace is not given to Lone Rangers who serve in isolation, but God gifts the different members of the Body of Christ to accomplish more together than they could ever by themselves.  

The strength of massive redwood trees that tower into the sky, and have resisted storms for millennia, is found in their extending roots that interlock with other redwoods. They stand and grow together! 

Look at the discipleship chain here. You be faithful to find others who are faithful that can in turn raise up more to be faithful.  Don’t forget that God means for your home to be a discipleship factory as well, (cf.1:5).  

Next, we note ILLUSTRATIONS OF SERVANTS (v. 3-7). 

The first illustration is that of a soldier on the battlefield (v. 3-4). There is a dedication required—a painful price to pay for commitment. We are to be faithful and focused—seeking to please Christ our Commander.  

The second illustration is of a sportsman in the arena (v. 5).There is a discipline demanded—for no athlete excels without intensity and integrity. You can’t take shortcuts or you are disqualified. How many “winners,” become “loser,” disqualified for performance enhancing drugs? The Bible is our rulebook!  

The third illustration is of a sower in the harvest (v. 6). There is a determination required. Hard work and hopeful waiting join hands in the field. For the farmer there is toil and trust, effort and expectation, patience and productivity. 

We must be strong in serving.  Furthermore, BE STRONG IN SUFFERING (v. 8-13). Paul underscores suffering here (v.9)  At the center of Christian faith stands a cross. Jesus summons us to come and die.  Yet, the way we live is to die (v. 11).

Consider, THE STANDARD OF SUFFERING (v. 8-9). “Remember Jesus Christ”—as the supreme standard of suffering. He never asks us to go where He has not been. Paul was following in His Master’s steps up the Calvary Road.  

The writer of Hebrews put it, 

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (12‬:‭1‬-‭2‬‬)

Even as Christ by His death conquered the power of death, Paul’s chains did not bind the Gospel, but liberated it. No grave could confine Christ and no prison can shackle the Gospel!  

So, we are called to THE SHARING OF SUFFERING (v.10-13) “with him” is repeated three times. It is in union with Christ that we have His might to enable us.  Look back at 1:8 where we are bidden to share in suffering for the sake of the Gospel.  

There is a mystery in the sovereign election of God and the responsibility of man to obtain it—along with the agency of witnesses to communicate it (v.10).  

First, the cross and then the crown; first, pain and then the prize!  His faithfulness will keep you faithful—this is the perseverance of the saints (v.11) and note the “if.”  When we see some fall away, it doesn’t mean that the promises of God have failed, but that Christ did not truly indwell them, for those He is in abide in Him! 

Be strong in serving, suffering, and BE STRONG IN STUDYING (v.14-26). Paul emphasizes, “the word of truth,” (v.15); warns of those who have, “swerved from the truth,” (v.18); those “able to teach” (v. 24), and mentioning, “the knowledge of the truth,” (v. 25).  

God’s grace is required to open our reception of the truth, our comprehension of the truth, and in our application of the truth. We do not study the Bible as we would a textbook, written by men, but as a supernatural message inspired by God. It is the sword of the Spirit in the valiant soldier’s hand. It is the standard of the Scripture in the victorious sportsman’s hand. It is the seed of our salvation in the faithful sower’s hand. 

God’s grace in the Word is FOR DISCERNMENT (v.14-21).  We discern what is primary and worth fighting for and what is peripheral and worthless fighting over (v.14). There are hills to die on, but don’t make mountains out of molehills, because such nit-picking over non-essentials only brings ruin to the audience. 

There is diligence required for studying Scripture,(v.15).  I challenge you to be a student of the Word, but sadly many will splash around in the shallow end of the pool rather than plunge into the deep end. 


It’s hard. It takes discipline!  Because of Scriptural illiteracy, there is spiritual immaturity and many fall prey to godless babble and gangrenous error (v.16-18). 

Just because an author is a best-seller or a preacher has a big following doesn’t mean you should blindly swallow what they are saying!  You need to see if what I am telling you aligns with God’s Word. 

Look at Paul’s warning in Ephesians 4:13-16, as he urges us onwards:

“until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.”

Failure in discernment is why you will have pastors and church folk who will endorse abortion and embrace perversion!  The professed faith of many is futile, but for those whose minds are saturated with Scripture, their foundation is firm (v.19). 

What kind of church member are you—a vessel for honorable use or dishonorable use?  (v. 20-21). A china plate or a chamber pot?  If you cannot discern the difference, don’t invite me over for a meal at your house!  

The kind of member you are will depend on the kind of student you are—particularly, from whom you learn. Paul was an honorable vessel—a special instrument set apart for the Master, and prepared for every good work. 

In contrast, Hymanaeus and Philetus were dishonorable vessels.  Timothy needed to purge his mind from such garbage they were spewing (v. 21), so he might follow Paul’s example and be an honorable vessel too. There is a connection between theology and morality, between conviction and conduct, doctrine and devotion. Let a man depart from the truth of the Word and he will soon descend into the trash of the world. 

God’s grace in the Word is for discernment, and also FOR DELIVERANCE (v. 22-26). It is not surprising then that Paul moves from the warning about shunning false teaching to fleeing filthy living.  We must be reminded that knowing the truth is good, but not good enough.  We must be doers of the Word and not hearers only, lest we deceive ourselves as James warns, (cf. James 1:22). 

May God deliver us from the sinful passions of our youth (v. 22a)!  By the way, you don’t have to be a youth to succumb to the sins of youth.  You can be a dirty old man!  The grace that comes to us from the Word is to guard us from evil, so we can flee it, but also to guide us into holiness that we may follow it, namely, “pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace” (v. 22b). 

The church is to be a hothouse where members are plants that are rooted and grow into fruitful believers, “along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart,” (v. 22c). In tending tender young plants, preachers and teachers cannot be brutal, but must be gentle—not demanding, but patient (v. 23-24).  Jesus’ model was, “a bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not quench” (Matt.12:20). Sinners aren’t the enemy.  They are brainwashed by Satan. Therefore, we are to love them and lead them to Jesus!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

BEFORE I GO: Some Final Instructions, Part 1—HOLD ON!

If you knew that today would be your last day on earth, what would you want to say to those you love?  That is what we have in Paul’s last letter in 2 Timothy. The Apostle was on death row, and wanted to give his young protege some final instructions for the church.  His first call is to “Hold on!”  He exhorts Timothy, “Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” (1:13). How can we hold on?

BY GROUNDING IN FAITH (v.1-7). Paul mentions the “sincere faith” (v. 5), the genuine faith in Christ that Timothy had received in his home that flowed from his grandmother Lois, to his mother Eunice, and now to him. 

This is the ground upon which a life, a home, a church must be built—the solid Rock of Jesus Christ, whom we have received by a sincere faith. Is yours a “sincere faith” that fits you for heaven? Peter enjoined, “be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election,” (2 Pet.1:10). Having your name on a church membership roll won’t matter if it isn’t written in heaven in the Lamb’s Book of Life.  

Hear the words of Jesus in Matt.7:21-27. 

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’  Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

I am haunted by the fact that some people who have sat in pews under my preaching, or read these words that I am posting, will hear those awful words, “Depart from me.”  If the foundation is not stable, then nothing else you do will stand.

Hold fast by grounding in faith, but also BY GROWING IN GRACE (v.8-12). The Apostle underscores the manner of salvation as the grace of God that has been bestowed on us (v.9). 

This is God’s free gift.  If we are saved, it is not based on anything we have done, but on Him.  If you could lose your salvation, you would. But, it isn’t our commitment to Christ, but His commitment to us that takes believers from start to finish (v.12). We can hold on because He holds on to us!  

Yet, there is always a danger that the fire of passion for Jesus may become a faint flicker (v.6). That devotion to Christ will require fueling.  Do you need to be rekindled today?  God’s Spirit is within us to empower us (v.7). 

I’ve heard that some of us have Christianity like an old iron bedstead—firm on both ends and sagging in the middle!  We are firm on the front end that God saves us from hell, and firm on the back end that He will save us for heaven, but right now we are sagging! 

God’s purpose in giving us grace, is not to sit, but to serve (v.11). When can we stop growing and going? Not, “until that Day” (v.12). The old hymn exhorts: “We’ll Work ’Til Jesus Comes.”  That is God’s intention for each of us. We may retire from a job, but we can only retire from serving Christ when Jesus comes for us.  Our retirement community is called, “Heaven!”

So hold on by grounding in faith, growing in grace, and BY GRIPPING THE TRUTH (v.13-18). Paul is saying to this young preacher boy to get an unbreakable grip on the truth—sound doctrine and systematic theology.  

Greek scholar Kenneth Wuest commented, “Particular words are to be retained and used so that the doctrinal statements of the truth may remain accurate and a norm for future teachers and preachers.”  

Do you have a grip on the meaning of words like, “justification, reconciliation, sanctification, glorification,” and what do you believe about the nature of God, the work of Christ, the person of the Spirit, the authority of Scripture, the mission of the church, etc.?  

False teachers are to be condemned (v.15). They are a cancer to be cut out!  

Faithful workers are to be commended (v.16-18). Nothing so refreshes a preacher as to see those who serve diligently!

It burdens me at times when I see a post on social media or hear someone quote some false teacher—a doctrinal deviant!  But, it blesses me when I see those who are solid in sound doctrine—who immerse themselves in truth and teach it.  That is refreshing!  

Pastors need refreshing!  We get weary and worn and weak.  We are not super human.  I want you to make a commitment today to be a refresher to your pastor. So many have been to me!  To all my pastor friends reading this—particularly those men who lead the Haywood Baptist Association member churches that I serve—know that I am here for you and praying for you!

Do you have a genuine faith?  If you were to die today and stand before the Lord, and He asked you, “Why should I let you into my heaven?” what would you say?  I prayed a prayer.  I got baptized. I try to be a good person.  I believe in God. All that is good, but will not get you into heaven. A genuine faith is grounded in the work of Jesus Christ.  You look to Him alone for your salvation. 

Do you have a real faith, but it needs to be rekindled?  Will you recommit yourself to be faithful until Jesus calls you home?

Are you committed to studying the Word, submitting to it, and sharing it?  Will you say today, “I am going to be a refresher!”