Saturday, March 4, 2023


 Batteries must be recharged if what they power is to continue to work. Using the equipment drains the energy, and if not recharged, it will eventually become unproductive. I have a battery powered chainsaw. I used it several days ago. When the battery drained, the work ceased. But, I plan to resume cutting trees later today. I have recharged the battery. It is no different in the service of the Lord. We cannot be constantly going and doing without recharging. 

We need to plug in “at Jesus’ feet,” (Luke 10:39). In the story, Martha was in a frenzy, preparing a meal, irritated that her sister Mary would not help. Yet, Jesus told her that Mary had chosen wisely. It is not that service is to be neglected, but that until our spiritual energy is replenished at Jesus’ feet, we will eventually shut down.

Think of the principle of the weekly Sabbath. Six days we are to work, but we need a day of rest. Sadly, I think some Christian workers neglect this. From Friday night until Saturday night could be a day of recharging.  What happens when we plug in at Jesus’ feet?

It is a place of RESTORATION, “Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus’ feet, and He healed them.” (Matt. ‭15‬:‭30‬‬). The lame could not go, the blind could not see, the mute could not speak, the maimed could not work. All that would change because of time spent at Jesus’ feet. They would be restored. Those of you who serve the Lord must continue to go out on mission, you must be able to see with vision, you must be able to speak with conviction, and to serve with passion.  At Jesus’ feet is the place of restoration.

It is a place of RECEPTION, “And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word.” (Lk.10‬:‭39‬‬). Mary was on the receiving end of the Lord’s teaching. She was soaking in the truth, receiving the Word of the Lord with all its transforming power. On Sunday, preachers will need to stand and speak for God. How can we unless on Saturday (or another day) we have sat and soaked in the Word of God?  I cannot presume to speak for Him unless I have first heard from Him. At Jesus’ feet is the place of reception. 

It is a place of REVERENCE, “And as they went to tell His disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, ‘Rejoice!’ So they came and held Him by the feet and worshiped Him.”  (Matt. ‭28‬:‭9‬‬). It is difficult to worship the Lord, if we wait to do so as we are leading others in worship. Our mind can be easily distracted by our responsibilities. Yet, we need a day to sit at Jesus’s feet in reverence and rejoice in Him!  I would suggest that our public expression of worship together will be real only if rooted in our private experience of worship alone.  

We can wake up on the Lord’s Day, with resignation, “I’ve got to go to church,” or with rejoicing,  “I get to go to church!”  Bowing before Him and experiencing His presence personally makes the difference. At Jesus’ feet is the place of reverence.

Let’s get alone with the Lord today, bowing at His feet, that we may stand tomorrow to serve and speak with power!

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