Saturday, March 25, 2023



We have likely heard the definition of a parable, “An earthly story with a heavenly meaning.”  Jesus utilized parables in His teaching. The wisdom with which He spoke stopped the mouths of the Bible scholars of His day, and yet it was conveyed in a manner so as to be received gladly by the common folk who swarmed Him to hear Him. Jesus had a way of reaching into heaven for the most sublime truths and express them in such simple terms that His point was clear. 

Seminary students have studied the Lord’s teaching and volumes of commentaries have been written on the parables, along with countless sermons preached from them, yet by no means has their profound message been exhausted.  But, one may share the story with a child and they get it, or tell it to an uneducated adult and they grasp it.

It is the standard set for the preacher—to teach like Jesus. The late Stephen Olford, a master expositor, said that Jesus used three books that are available to us: “God's Book, the Book of Creation, and the Book of Human Life,” (According to Your Word, Kindle edition, p.21).

We begin with the Book of Inspiration. The message is drawn from exposition. It is based on the Bible. We start with the truth of Scripture and let it shape the subject of the sermon.  This is transcendent truth from the spiritual realm.

We illustrate with the Book of Creation. The message is illumined by illustration. Truth can be explained through creation. Insight is given from the natural realm. Jesus did that in the parables.

We conclude with the Book of Life. The message is directed to application. Truth is applied to daily living. This is the practical truth that shapes us in the human realm.

I want to put the cookies on the shelf where the people can reach them. The best compliment I ever receive is when someone says, “God spoke to me from your sermon,” and as they affirm, “When you preach I understand the Bible.”  May that ever be our goal as preachers—as we employ those three books and preach like Jesus!

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