Saturday, February 25, 2023



There is a fascinating contrast in our Lord’s ministry witnessed in John 14. On the one hand, the multitudes are seeking His ministry and He serves them, while later He sends them away and seeks solitude!  From telling the disciples, “They do not need to go away,” we read a short time later that “He sent them away.”

God is limitless, but humans have their limitations. Christ was God Incarnate and able thus to multiply the small supply of loaves and fish to feed thousands, while also needing to withdraw for rest and to hear from His Father. That time of prayer was our Lord’s means of receiving new direction and replenished power for His ministry. In so doing, Jesus shows us how man is meant to live—taking in that we might give out. 

All of us can sympathize with the disciples when they felt their resources inadequate for the demands. They told Jesus to send the masses away. Yet, when we are in the will of God, He will always supply us with what we need to do the work. There is no excuse for laziness in Christian service. When we reach the point of exasperation, we have not necessarily come to the point of exhaustion. Little is much, when God is in it.  You may have a little more gas in the tank when the needle rests on empty.

Yet, there will come a time that the ministry must be set aside that we may be refreshed. Praying alone is not wasting time, but is making the best use of our time. While it is true that sometimes we face a challenging time and know what we need to do, yet refuse to do it for how costly it is—making the excuse, “Let me pray about it.”  That sounds spiritual, but may be cowardice. That was not the case for Jesus. He had reached His limit for the day and now it was time for solitude. 

The key whether immersed in service or isolated in supplication is to be in the will of God. The old hymn stated it:

1 Ready to suffer grief or pain,
Ready to stand the test;
Ready to stay at home and send
Others if He sees best.

Ready to go, ready to stay,
Ready my place to fill;
Ready for service lowly or great,
Ready to do His will.

2 Ready to go, ready to bear,
Ready to watch and pray;
Ready to stand aside and give
Till He shall clear the way. [Refrain]

3 Ready to speak, ready to think,
Ready with heart and mind;
Ready to stand where He sees fit,
Ready His will to find. [Refrain]

4 Ready to speak, ready to warn,
Ready o’er souls to yearn;
Ready in life or ready in death,
Ready for His return. [Refrain] (lyrics by A.C. Palmer)

Jesus would come down from the mountain of prayer and go to His disciples as they were toiling in storm-tossed seas. He was ready. Are you?

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