Saturday, May 7, 2022


The calling to be a preacher and teacher of God’s truth is an awesome privilege.  We stand and speak on behalf of God. In our hands we hold the Word of God, and it is infused with a supernatural power because of its Divine source. But as the famous line from the Spider-Man movie reminds us, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

James writes from the perspective of one who was pastor of the Jerusalem church. He reminds us that there is power in words—not just the Word of God—but all words. They can hurt and they can heal. Hitler’s speeches set a world ablaze and wrought horrendous evil, while at the same time Churchill’s words galvanized the forces of freedom and stirred them to victory.

Preachers deal with words—a lot of words. People show up to listen to us. Whether in the pulpit or in a line at the grocery store, sitting in a cafe or in the stands of a sports arena—wherever those who know us are present, they are listening to us. 

James reminds us of the danger. Because of the depravity of our heart—even the regenerate—the tongue is untameable by man.  Yet, the Holy Spirit can do what we never can. He possesses all power. We must be dependent on Him. 

The call to preach is a compulsion from God that we cannot avoid, or we ought not do it. The duty to speak for God, and what the effect can be, should drive us to our knees before we stand to speak!  The more light we have the more intense will be the scrutiny of Christ’s judgment. God opens our minds to comprehend His truth and we open our mouth to communicate that truth.  God help us!

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