Monday, May 16, 2022


Being an elder is a high privilege and a heavy responsibility. 

WE NEED TO HAVE A PROPER MODEL.  We learn from others who have gone before us. There are many who have set a high standard. Peter would be included as “a fellow elder.”  Of course, the perfect model is “the Chief Shepherd.”  We will not attain perfection, but there ought to be progression, as we move in the direction Christ has set for us. 

WE NEED TO HAVE A PROPER MOTIVE.  It is not to be as a mere duty or for monetary reward. This is not a job that we choose as we would select a vocation among an array of possibilities. Rather, God chooses us. Our will is to be surrendered gladly and our work is to be performed joyfully. We will be rewarded in eternity!  There is the anticipation of the Chief Shepherd placing an unfading crown of glory on the head of the faithful pastor!

WE NEED TO HAVE A PROPER MANNER.  We do not act as bosses telling people what to do, but as examples showing people what to do. Our manner is to be one of loving service that causes the flock to trust us and follow us. They are then motivated to serve others also.

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