Saturday, January 29, 2022


One of the most powerful temptations that a pastor will face is in the area of sexual sin. It may invade our mind through pornography that is so readily available. It may infiltrate our heart through a counseling setting that leads from sympathy with a hurting woman to seduction in lusting for the woman to sin in adultery with the woman.  This is the sobering reality: if David—a man after God’s own heart—could fall so wretchedly, then none of us are immune from the possibility.  David brought down a giant with a slingshot, but fell to the beautiful form of a woman.

The temptation is strong, yet God is far stronger—if we rely on Him. That is it His will for us to be sanctified is not debatable.  Our body is not our own—to do with as we please. It is His—purchased by the precious blood of Christ.  You will by His grace overcome sexual sin or sexual sin will overcome you. Do not desecrate the temple of God’s Holy Spirit!

Though we must say, “No!” when faced with the enticement, that may not be sufficient in itself. The wording, “that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor,” suggests having a practical strategy to win this war. For instance: never meet a woman for counseling alone behind closed doors; involve your wife in such counseling; limit the number of times you will have counseling sessions before referral to someone else. You dare not let an emotional bond form that takes one down the road toward a physical one. Have monitoring software on your mobile devices. Get accountability partners who will pray for you and have difficult conversations with you.  Flush your mind daily with the washing of water by the Word. Meditate on it, day and night, for it is the Spirit’s sword to slay lust!

Understand that you are defrauding your brother and defiling your sister. That is, you are taking that which belongs to another.  Many a man has seen his ministry taken away because he was swept away by sexual sin.  That woman is meant to be someone else’s wife, not your plaything. That young lady you are leering at is some man’s daughter. 

Our ultimate accountability, of course, is to God.  We will stand before Him some day and give answer. I will never forget what Stephen Olford said over forty years ago as I began my work for the Lord, “The secret sin on earth is an open scandal in heaven!”

The call to preach is a call to purity. Those who are heralds are to be holy.  May God give us grace to be holy men of God in this filthy world!

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