Saturday, January 8, 2022


It is likely that you have watched an Olympic track meet. The runners place their feet in the starting blocks and listen for the starter’s pistol to fire. Getting off to a good start is vital, but a good finish means victory. It is possible to start strong, but then to stumble.  This is likewise true of ministry. 

Paul is speaking to a young man in ministry named Archippus. We know little of him. He is mentioned in Scripture perhaps only one other time.  Paul mentions him along with Philemon, and Philemon’s wife Apphia (v.1-2) “and to the church in your house.”  So, it would seem Archippus was their son. The Apostle further refers to him as “our fellow soldier.”  Thus, we may conclude that this was a preacher boy Paul had recruited for the Lord’s army. 

There are three exhortations suggested here for those of us who preach the Gospel and lead the church. 

First, TAKE HEED!  Paul says, “Take heed to the ministry.”  Have a solid conviction that God has called you. Revisit persistently that assignment and meditate on God’s mandate for you. Saturate your mind with the Word of God.  Be alert to danger about you—moral disqualification or doctrinal deviation. Satan is like a lion ready to pounce.  Take heed to the truth. 

Secondly, TAKE HOLD!  Paul speaks of, “the ministry which you have received in the Lord.”  The opportunity to serve Christ had been offered and young Archippus had responded with enthusiasm, reaching out his hand to receive the grace to do  Gospel ministry.  When we begin to just show up because it is expected or to show off only when others are watching, we are in danger of service slipping from our grasp. Cherish your call as a treasure and hold to it firmly and joyfully.  Take hold of the task. 

Thirdly, TREAD ON!  The Apostle urges, “fulfill it.”  The road will not always be smooth. There are potholes and perils. It is an uphill slog.  There are a few like Stephen who are Gospel sprinters whose race is short as they run into immediate crisis. Yet, as difficult as that is, most in ministry will find it a cross-country mountain marathon.  It is a race of ups and downs—a race of endurance. You dare not give out or give up.  Tread on with tenacity.

Man of God, maintain your ministry. Don’t quit!  Fulfill it—fill it full by taking heed to the truth, taking hold of the task, and treading on with tenacity.

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