Saturday, July 10, 2021


There will always be “that guy.”  He may excel in ministry—well-known and well-dressed.  The auditorium may be full, as is his bank account.  Now, that does not mean that if you are unknown and poor  that you are more godly, nor ought we judge a mega-church pastor as being ungodly.  The former may be an incompetent boob who covets what others have with no capacity to seize it. The latter may be a faithful servant whom God has chosen to give a wider influence, but is uncorrupted by it. What I am saying is that we need to sift our own motives and message by this warning from the Apostle Paul:

“For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.” (Romans‬ ‭16:18‬ ‭ESV‬‬)

First, there is a warning concerning our motive. Avoid being self serving. What is your motive for ministry?  Are you there to serve the Lord or to serve yourself?  If your motive is wrong, it will taint everything you do.  No man can seek to promote his own name and promote the Lord’s name simultaneously.  We can take the basin and towel and honor Jesus by washing feet, or we can expect others to kiss our feet because I am “that guy,”—the Lord’s anointed, don’t you know?

Second, there is a warning concerning our message. Avoid using smooth speech. Is your message one of Scriptural fidelity or sermonic flattery?  The flatterer is one who tells people what they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear. There is no edge to this kind of preaching. The spiritual surgeon’s sharp Scriptural scalpel that is used to help and heal, though it hurts for a time, is discarded for a tranquilizing talk that makes the listener feel good, but ultimately is of no help. The naive never question it. They leave the church or the TV set soothed by the smooth speech, and that is what they want.

I assure you, God knows the heart and weighs our motive. He is not fooled by a golden tongue. In the Judgment, it will be exposed. The smile will be wiped off the face. In that Day, you will not want to be “that guy!”

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