Saturday, July 24, 2021



There is a godly ambition. I doubt much is done for the kingdom advancement apart from a drive inside to reach out, a passion to excel, and a zeal for God’s glory.  

Yet, even so, how easy it is for that to be tainted by our own sinful hearts and it becomes about our name and fame—even the perks and privileges that attach to growing opportunity and celebrity. Scripture warns us that is how a beautiful archangel became the devil of hell. He was not content with the position where he was placed, but wanted to be as God. Satan then proceeded to warp Adam and Eve with the same ambition—and all the race has the same proclivity.

Preacher, do not seek to be a ladder climber!  Die to the drive to have the biggest church, the widest renown, and the highest status.  Learn to be content with your calling. Ask God to help you excel where you are as you are.

One of the first pieces of counsel I received 45 years ago was given by one of my most significant mentors, Dale Fisher, who now serves as the Associational Mission Strategist of Caldwell Baptists in NC. He said, ”God knows where you are, and can get you where He wants you to be.”  That wisdom is rooted in the Biblical admonition given here by the Apostle, and has served me well. If heeded, it can keep you from falling into the the destructive pit of pride—and as a Christian leader you will not only jeopardize future ministry, but will drag down others with you.

Be content in your calling!

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