Saturday, December 5, 2020


Don’t make big decisions on Monday morning. Unless you are backed into a corner with a gun stuck to your head, there is rarely a reason you would have to do it the first thing when you walk into the office. 

Mondays can be tough for preachers. You have poured yourself out on Sunday. Your tank is empty and you are running on fumes. The best thing you can do is catch your breath, open up your Bible, and spend some time in prayer. After that, look at the calendar and plan the week.  

Without this, your perspective on that big decision will tend to be skewed. A thousand things may be swirling around in your head that make the kind of focus necessary for that big decision nigh impossible. Yesterday, you found out a good deacon has been diagnosed with cancer. Sister Bertha got sideways with you—again. There was not the visible response to the sermon for which you had hoped. Need I go on?  If you are a pastor, you have sat in that Monday morning chair of blues. 

Now, you might blindfold yourself and get lucky and hit the bull’s eye with the arrow of your decision. But, why risk it? The odds are rather that you will miss—and the miss is as huge in a negative way.

Pray some more.  Seek counsel from a trusted friend or two. Pray again.  Then you can make that big decision on Monday afternoon—or first thing Tuesday morning!  But, don’t keep putting it off!  That’s another issue, and for another post. 

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