Saturday, November 28, 2020



Set parameters on counseling—particularly when meeting with women or minors. There needs to be a policy fence put up for your protection. There is the so-called “Billy Graham rule” that ought to be adopted. Early in his ministry, he set a policy where he and his team would not meet with women alone, ride with them, dine with them, and so forth. It apparently worked, as their evangelistic organization was scandal free from charges of immoral behavior, so far as I know.  

Even in the case where one might avoid yielding to temptation, this does not prevent a false accusation from being made—and there will always be those who believe it.  So, DON’T MEET BY YOURSELF WITH A WOMAN OTHER THAN YOUR WIFE!  Be careful what information you share with any lady, and how much time you spend with them.  If David—a man after God’s own heart, who brought down a giant with a slingshot—could fall, so can we.

Another big danger is the internet.  You are always but a click away from being sucked into the cesspool of pornography. Pastors and staff need accountability. Filtering software may help, but accountability software is even safer.  Cable TV makes porn easily accessible.  You don’t have to visit an X-rated bookstore.  It’s good to have your wife with you when you travel, or another preacher room with you, so the hotel room doesn’t become a trap to catch you up in lust.  

“Flee from youthful passions...” (2 Tim.2:22a CSB).  Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!   

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