Saturday, December 12, 2020


Trust your wife’s intuition. Pontius Pilate should have listened to his wife. As Jesus was on trial before the Roman Governor, she warned,  “Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for today I’ve suffered terribly in a dream because of him.”  (Matthew‬ ‭27:19‬ ‭CSB‬‬). That turned out well for us, as God accomplished His work of redemption for sinners through the hands of sinful men. It didn’t turn out well for Pilate, as he sought to wash his hands of injustice.  Water had no power to cleanse the guilt in his soul. 

Women seem to have an intuition that men do not have. God has wired the sexes up differently. My wife notices things that I am oblivious to and senses things that I am not aware of. There have been numerous times she has saved my hide by telling me what the results of my actions will be before I take them. Some times I have pressed on in a particular matter, thinking, “That’s not an issue!”  I found out that it was!

God has given you a precious gift if you have a godly wife. Mine prays for me, reads her Bible, and gives me a perspective I do not have and that I need. Seminary professors are great in what they teach, but your wife will instruct you in things you cannot learn in a classroom.

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