Saturday, February 14, 2015


Will it be well when He searches you out?  (Job 13:9a)

It is not a claim to make rashly: “God has called me to preach.”  When we stand behind the sacred desk, we are claiming to speak for God.  That is a grave responsibility.  What we say will be searched out at the Judgment Seat of Christ.  Will it be well with us then?  That is the question Job directs to his three “comforters.”  These men show no hesitation to claim to speak for God.  But, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, as the old saying goes.  Job was convinced that they would be weighed in the balances on that Day and be found wanting—the words which became a heavy burden upon Job would prove to be as light as dust in eternal significance—blown away and gone with no reward.

Job speaks of their sermonizing this way:

But you forgers of lies,
You are all worthless physicians. 
Oh, that you would be silent,
And it would be your wisdom! 
Now hear my reasoning,
And heed the pleadings of my lips. 
Will you speak wickedly for God,
And talk deceitfully for Him? 
Will you show partiality for Him?  
Will you contend for God?
Will it be well when He searches you out?  
Or can you mock Him as one mocks a man? 
He will surely rebuke you
If you secretly show partiality. 
Will not His excellence make you afraid,
And the dread of Him fall upon you?
Your platitudes are proverbs of ashes,
Your defenses are defenses of clay.  (Job 13:4-12)

Sound doctrine is vital—let us hammer out our theology on the anvil of Scripture, heated by the fire of fervent prayer, lest we be the forgers of lies.  People are spiritually sick—will we give them a placebo or a cure?  Will we pat them on the back and tell them they are well, when they are carrying a malignant evil that needs to be removed by the scalpel of Scripture?  It would be better to shut up, than to claim to speak for God words of folly!  How much error will be propagated in pulpits tomorrow in the disguise of truth?  May we consider the dreadful experience to stand naked before the Judge and have our sermon dissected and found to be nothing but pious platitudes and an indefensible doctrine.  The congregation longs to be fed, and woe to the shepherd who fills their mouth with ashes.  The sheep look for refuge from the wolves of this world, and do we fashion for them a wall of clay?  Let us fall on our knees in urgent petition and solemn humility and ask God to speak through us.  It is a serious thing to claim to speak for God!

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