Saturday, February 7, 2015


The Lord grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain…. (2 Timothy 1:16)

Paul was running on fumes.  Locked up on death row—he was worn down, cold, suffering, isolated—it would have been easy to give up.  Don’t say you have never been tempted to walk into the pulpit, resign, walk away and wash your hands of the whole business!  I’ve started to do that several times.  This morning I felt like I was running on fumes—the gas gauge was way below the E.  What kept Paul going is a man named Onesiphorus who put some fuel in the Apostle’s tank!  He would show up—sent by God—time and again, when the old preacher needed it most.  Others may have deserted him—ashamed of Paul and his message—not Onesiphorus.  He exulted in the courage of the elderly man of God, and boldly announced his affiliation with the Gospel jailbird!  Paul prays for God to pour out great mercy on that man and his family because of what he had done for the cause of Christ in supporting God’s preacher.  This morning, “Onesiphorus” sent me an e-mail—commending me for the daily devotionals I am sending out.  He had so much good to say about my ministry, at a time when I was feeling very disillusioned about it.  That “Onesiphorus” put some fuel in my tank!  I can run a bit farther down the Highway of Holiness in the Bible Bus now.  God, bless him and his sweet wife!  He made a difference in me!  I pray that you have an Onesiphorus.  Every preacher needs at least one.  Sometimes the faces and names change, but the heart is always the same—a love for God’s man who brings God’s message.  Precious servant of the Lord, will you let me be that to you right now?  Listen to me: your work is not in vain!  God sees.  He is keeping account.  There is a reward coming.  May God give you great power as you preach the Word!

Precious Father,
Would you send that discouraged servant an Onesiphorus to put some gas in his tank?  Please stand by him, for he cannot stand alone.  Raise up an Aaron and Hur to hold his hands up. 
For the glory of Your Name,

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