Saturday, June 15, 2024



We face challenging times in Gospel ministry. But, that has ever been true, and will be until Jesus comes. The devil will see to that. Such a champion of faith as Paul seemed to face persistent problems that would have collapsed a weaker man. Being a soldier of Christ assumes we are in a war zone. 

Thank God and take courage!  Thank God you are on the winning side and take courage that all ends well. Your labor for the Lord  is never in vain. 

Paul had arrived in Rome—the hub of the empire. “All roads lead to Rome,” is the old saying. It was true. If Paul were to proceed with getting the Gospel to the ends of the earth, then he needed to get to Rome, where Great Commission activity could proceed exponentially. 

The way he arrived there was not on a luxury liner, but on a piece of lumber from a sinking ship!  He came—not to freedom to preach—but, under house arrest. He had faced many trials in crises, and now awaited a trial in court. 

But, he could thank God and take courage, for the Lord was already at work in Rome. Brothers arrived to console him. That time of fellowship would encourage the Apostle. We need others, for we will face discouraging days. Brothers in ministry who have experienced our plight can pray with us and stand by us. It is why I take time to send out these devotionals. It is in hope that it will help some servant of the Lord to keep going when tempted to throw in the towel.

So, first, “Thank God.”  He has a purpose for our problems. We may not know everything about it, but He has promised to work all things together for our good and His glory, (cf. Rom. 8:28). When we look around us, it can lead us to grumble at our circumstances. But, when we look above us, it can bring us to gladness for God’s goodness. May we cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

I recall flying out of Charlotte airport once and as I looked out the window, ominous clouds shrouded the sky with darkness. As we rose through that, we found ourselves in sunshine and those same clouds now appeared as a blanket of cotton balls below us. It is a matter of perspective. 

Then, “Take courage.”  Reach out a hand of faith and seize courage and take it to heart. It is courage of conviction to stand and courage of commitment to serve. To be DIScouraged is to have courage dissipate from you. To be ENcouraged is to have courage enter you. 

So, look up and thank God. Lean on Him and take courage!

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