Saturday, May 11, 2024


Every pastor will come to the end of his tour of duty at the church he serves.  I am currently interim pastor at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, but have already told a them that in four weeks it will be my final Sunday with them in that capacity. Like Paul “we [will] come to the end of those days.”

I recall the first time this happened, on my final night in the first church I pastored—Cane River Baptist Church. I sat in my car—just the Lord and me—and wept my eyes out. It was hard to say goodbye. For three and one half years, I had been with them and come to love them. They were family. These mostly senior saints had taken a young twenty-something and allowed him to “cut his teeth” in ministry. They had been so patient and kind.

Each church brought a similar experience. Saying farewell is tough. Yet, it is a reality. Some men are even forced out. That is a different and and even more difficult departure. But, none of them are easy. 

Yet, sooner or later it will happen. If we are not taken away in a moving van, then we will be removed in a casket—or perhaps the rapture. But the final sermon will be preached by us in that pulpit eventually. 

This precious scene of Paul gathered with these member of his spiritual family, getting ready to board the ship and sail into the unknown, touches us at the deepest level. The Apostle was sailing into a storm of suffering. 

    And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not  knowing the things that will happen to me             there, except that  the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and  tribulations await me.         But none of these things move me; nor  do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race          with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord  Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of         God.” (Acts‬ ‭ 20‬:‭22‬-‭24‬‬)  

May we have the same spirit—coming or going or abiding—pouring out our lives for Christ and His church. Let us run to the finish line and cross with victory. Brush away the tears and rejoice that we have been privileged to be called by God’s grace, sustained by it, and able to testify of it!

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