Saturday, May 25, 2024


Stephen Olford in his book, ”According to Your Word,” presents this helpful summary of preaching ministry as described by Paul in Acts 26:18. This was what Paul was commissioned to do when Christ converted him and called him.

Olford writes:

In this verse is presented a five-fold ministry. The servant of the Lord  should take note, for it comprehends the ground he should cover when  preaching the Gospel: 

Illumination. “To open their eyes” – This is effected by presenting truth in  the power of the Holy Spirit. Conversion. “To turn them from darkness to  light” – The servant of the Lord should lead the seeking soul at this  stage, leading from the darkness of ignorance into the light of the truth.  Emancipation. “From the power of Satan to God” – This is where the  greatest battle in the salvation of a soul is fought. The weapons to be  used are The Stand (the blood of the Lamb); The Sword (the Word of  God); and The Sanction (the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ). Remission  of Sins. “They may receive forgiveness of sins” – Here is the cross,  where forgiveness of sins is to be found through the blood.  Sanctification. “An inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in  Me” – With all the blessings that a holy life brings. 

Enable me to preach the whole of Your Gospel, Lord, leaving nothing out.

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