Saturday, December 4, 2021



Paul challenges us to a manner of life that is worthy of the Gospel. By this, he does not mean that we are deserving of the grace we have received, nor could ever be. Rather, it is about bringing our lives into alignment with the Gospel we proclaim—one with conduct consistent with our claim. How can we do this?

It demands FIRMNESS, “standing firm…striving…for the faith of the gospel.”  The way is steep, the occasion for retreat—under withering fire from the enemy—is ever present, and many a soldier of the cross has slipped and fallen. The way to stand firm is to stand beside other warriors, “in one spirit, with one mind…side by side.”  I want to remind you that you are not in this battle alone. It is not a sign of weakness to call on your fellow soldiers, but an indication of wisdom to do so.

It demands FEARLESSNESS, “not frightened in anything by your opponents.”  Those who stand for truth and speak the Gospel will face opposition. The devil will see to that. They may come in the form of a hostile secular culture, in the guise of a fellow church member, or even one of our own family. Do not be blind-sided. Expect there will be an enemy. Not all will be your friends to help you stand firmly, but there will be the foes intent to make you run fearfully.

It demands FAITHFULNESS, “For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, engaged in the same conflict that you saw I had and now hear that I still have,” (.29-30). ‬‬The Apostle had been a faithful example and now challenges us to walk the same pathway—the bloody Calvary Road. He writes as a prisoner for the sake of the Gospel. His sufferings were intense and inescapable. If we should be faithful, then we will find them inevitable.  Be faithful to the end!  

This is a life worthy of the Gospel!

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