Saturday, December 18, 2021


The Old Testament sacrificial system with its priesthood, altar, and sacrifices foreshadowed Christ, the Great High Priest, who offered Himself as a Lamb on the cross in fulfillment.  Yet, what Christ did absolutely, we are as His followers to do spiritually as  a kingdom of priests, offering spiritual sacrifices on the altar of our commitment.  That is the imagery Paul uses in this text.  Paul so describes the sacrificial gift of money brought by Epaphroditus from the Philippian church. There is a principle that we may apply to any gifts God graces us with—and how we may worship Him through the sacrificial offering of those for God’s glory.  Allow me to specifically speak to the preacher.

THERE IS THE SCENT OF THE SERMON. It is to be “a fragrant offering.”  Now, some sermons just stink! That brings no honor to God or help to the congregation. In contrast to that, If you have smelled a steak cooking on a grill—an aroma that makes you salivate—this should be akin to the scent of our sermon. In our prayerful preparation and passionate presentation, the offering of the message can make each one attending hunger for God and His Word—as Psalm 34:8 says to, “taste and see that the LORD is good!”

THERE IS THE SACRIFICE IN THE SERMON. It is “a sacrifice.”  The Old Testament worshipper was not to bring the worst of the flock, but the best. God was to get the firstfruits and not the leftovers. As David declared, “I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God that cost me nothing,” (2 Sam.24:24). There is a price to pay for preaching that is for the glory of God and good of man. You don’t grab sermon scraps from a book or podcast, stick it in the microwave and go through the motions from the pulpit!

THERE IS THE SATISFACTION FROM THE SERMON. It is “acceptable and pleasing to God.”  If meant to only satisfy yourself in doing your job, or to tickle the ears of the people so they magnify you, then as a preacher your motivation is deadly. We pray that people will be touched by the truth, but it is not that they will always react with acceptance, they may respond with anger. We will find joy if the sermon is acceptable to God. Fundamentally our focus is on God being satisfied. If God is pleased, it ultimately matters not whether anyone else is.

Dear God, may the preacher offer in the sermon his all on the altar—a living sacrifice to You, that is holy in its conception and acceptable in its communication—as his spiritual act of worship!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dennis! Wise words of advice for all preachers.
    Barry Clark
