Saturday, June 12, 2021


Celebrate victories and learn from past failures. It is easy to fall into the trap of, “Woe is me.”  Negativity can be a malignant way of thinking that kills hope—and without hope, it is impossible for a church and her leaders to find a way forward. Victories are often hard won. You make much effort—you pray, perhaps fast, labor, and you see God bless. We are tempted at that point to stop and catch our breath.  DON’T!  It is time to build on that momentum. Spend some significant time celebrating the goodness of God. Rejoice as a congregation. Give Him glory. Seeing a successful ministry effort is a time to give glory to God and pat your workers on the back. Then ask, “What is the next step?” Roll up your sleeves and get back to work!

Even a failure need not be final. See it in the positive light of being a learning experience. This is what I first heard John Maxwell term, “failing forward.”  When you have stumbles—and you will—do not wallow in self-pity or retreat in despair, but fail forward by asking, “What is God teaching us?  What might we have done differently?  Was it a bad idea or just bad timing or poor execution?”  Some of the most helpful lessons I have learned have been taught in the school of hard knocks where the school colors are black and blue. Those scars speak to realities engraved by the stylus of pain on this all too human clay. But, God is doing the writing and He has a future and a hope. If you learn and move on you are smart. If you keep beating your head against the wall by repeating the same flawed effort you are stupid!

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