Saturday, June 5, 2021


Schedule times for outreach and evangelism. What gets scheduled, gets done. We may intend to share our faith, but unless we have regular times to do it (which is not to exclude spontaneous opportunities) it has a way of being forgotten. But we intended to share our faith, and you know that they say, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” and those good intentions are paving the way to hell for the lost around us!

What is to be our priority?  In heaven, we will never have the opportunity to lead one soul to Christ. 

There are those who will argue about methodology, who do not want a scheduled time and/or memorized method.  They would poo poo the idea of handing out a gospel tract or using what they call a simplistic “confrontational” approach. Instead they advocate building relationships and sharing in a “natural way.”  I understand, and there may be times that will be effective—IF, it is done. 

But, I think for many my response to their criticism of my methodology would be, “I like the way I do evangelism better than the way you do not.”

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