Saturday, April 3, 2021


Look for staff members that meet these four qualifications:

1) CHARACTER—This is foundational. No matter how good they are at their job, if they are not good in their soul—then, they are not qualified to serve the Lord and share the ministry. You can stop immediately, if you cannot check this box.

2) CONVICTIONS—This is akin to the first. There are to be a set of doctrines they believe and a lifestyle integrated with those.  There may be some minor disagreement out on a few peripheral matters, but not much.  The congregation must hear a consistent message from the staff. You can disagree on the millennium and both still go to heaven, but I wouldn’t want someone on the staff who is not eschatologically equivalent, for instance.  Do you perform marriages for those who have been married before? If one pastor does and another will not, this is potential conflict.  Does one have a conviction that total abstinence from alcohol is wise and the other does not have that belief—well, you see how this can be trouble.

3) COMPETENCE—Someone may be a good person and still not have the capacity to do what is required. They are being hired for a task. Can they grow into it?  Well, they should always be growing.  But, the question is: do they have the capability for such growth, how much growth is required, and do I have time to develop them. Maybe they are a diamond in the rough. Or perhaps they are a lump of coal that would take too long to become a diamond—if ever.

4) CHEMISTRY—Too often overlooked. You can check the first three boxes and if the chemistry is poor then they are a poor fit. This doesn’t mean you want a clone of yourself. Differences can be “iron sharpening iron.”  But, if you have trouble with their basic personality, remember that is not likely to change. Will this person be a joy to work with or a burden to avoid. They may be a round peg fitting into a square hole!

If you can check off these four boxes, then you have found a recruit for building a championship team!

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