Saturday, January 30, 2021



You have likely heard that God gave you two ears and only one mouth for a reason—listen more than you speak. James tells us that is vital, and connects it with controlling your temper. Fiery words often ignite furious wrath, and that is not productive. Someone may argue, “I just say what I think!”  I think we ought not think some of what we think and despite the claim may have engaged our mouth ahead of our mind!  But, like squeezing a tube of toothpaste, once it is out you cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube. So, when those words go out, you cannot grab them and retract them.

But, do people talk anymore?  We do produce a steady stream of words, but often in an email, text, or social media post. If I blow up face to face with a person—that is bad, but the damage may be limited, and based on their reaction I can see, I can begin to deal with what I said.

The internet is a different matter. When it goes out, there is a permanent record. The tone of voice and body language are absent. The means of emojis may compensate a little, but not a lot.  Some people will read it and not respond, while in their heart be offended and “unfriend” you.  They can screenshot it and share it widely.  Like a cancer, malignant words can be deadly.

Have an honest, wise friend read your email, text, or social media post before you hit send, if you have some concerns. When in doubt—don’t!  It is so easy to get in the fortress at our desk and launch flaming arrows of verbiage as a keyboard warrior.  I fear I have done it too.

Some things need to be said, even if it makes people upset and angry. Truth can do that. But, make sure the conviction is accompanied by compassion, and packaged in the best way for the content to be hopefully received and not rejected.  Maybe you have seen the acrostic: THINK: before you speak ask, “Is it True? Helpful? Inspiring? Necessary? Kind?”

Engage your mind before you open your mouth—and before you hit, “send”!

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