Saturday, March 21, 2020


Read Psalm 1

Until the coronavirus pandemic, I had never heard the term “social distancing.”  The government is calling upon us to distance ourselves from contact with others who might infect us and spread the deadly virus.

While the term may be new, the concept is not. The Psalmist is warning us about an even deadlier virus called sin. If we are intimate with those who have given themselves over to it—embrace their counsel, enter their course, and enjoy their company—the contagion will destroy us.

There is a vaccine for this sin virus.  A daily dose of God’s Word has a power to immunize us. Let Scripture be your counselor, chart your course, and its truths your companions. Delight in the Word and digest its message. 

The word “meditate,” is to ruminate, as a sheep chews its cud extracting all the nutrition from the meal. So, we read the Word, study it, memorize it, meditate on it, and apply it—which is transforming.

To change the metaphor, we will be like trees, with roots downward for stability and fruit outward for productivity.  Our branches will be growing and our foliage will be showing—all to the glory of God.  We will not fear death and judgment for we have life, abundant life, here and hereafter—real happiness and prosperity. COVID-19 cannot change that. What if we die?  We can’t really!  All we would do is leave behind the only part of us that gives us a problem and enter the wonder of heaven!

But, not the wicked.  They are not trees. They are tumbleweeds. No root, no fruit, blown along by culture and circumstances—the prevailing winds of the moment. Worse of all, death is a constant fear and judgment a dreadful fate.  They often deny the existence of God because they do not want to consider the consequences of their choice. They did not listen and “shelter in place,” seeking refuge in Christ who alone can save us.

What choice will you make?

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