Monday, May 30, 2016


"You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."  (2 Tim.2:1-2 ESV)

I can still remember my zeal as a young man called to Gospel ministry--that it was zeal without knowledge.  While my passion for serving Christ and His church did not need to diminish, my understanding of how to fulfill my assignment needed to grow--and quickly.  If you don't know where you are going, you'll get there every time!

Theological education can certainly help.  Seeking counsel from older, godly pastors will be beneficial.  You will hear many opinions--and a lot of it good--some even contradictory.  This can add to the confusion. 

There is no substitute, however, for simply asking the Holy Spirit to open your understanding of the Word of God--especially the pastoral epistles, for these were written to young preachers for the express purpose of equipping them for their task.  With this in mind, an examination of 2 Tim.2:1-2 will be foundational.

Paul reminds his youthful protégé' that he must ever depend on grace.  The minister's assignment is always too large for him--the burden too heavy--and what is required is supernatural power--the grace that flows from Christ's life within us as His grace operates in us and through us.

Pulpit ministry is vital, beyond question.  The masses in the congregation need your message.  But, we dare not think that will be sufficient.  We must prayerfully seek out faithful men.  These will be men of character, "faithful," and competence, "able to teach."  Gathering this group, we commit to relay what God has taught us in view of them training others--and this is the discipleship process.  It is life-on-life--pouring yourself into equipping a few leaders who will extend your effectiveness and multiply your ministry far beyond what you can do alone.

There will be many distractions--and some of these will be good things others in the congregation demand that you do.  You must not allow the good to divert you from the essential.  Gather those men--three at minimum and twelve at maximum--and equip them even as you are growing in your leadership capacity.  Pour yourself into them.  Be with them in contexts outside the "class" time--in recreation and home life--so that truth is not only taught, but caught--through the power of incarnational application of your life example.

If I could start all over, this would be my focus.  I did some, but not enough.  Perhaps, you have been in ministry for a long season.  Is there hope for pursuing this Biblical philosophy which you have neglected?  Of course!  Do what you can starting now, for as long as you can into the future.  Should any of you like to know more, then please email me and we can connect and discuss this non-negotiable in ministry effectiveness.  I want to encourage and/or equip you as I God gives me grace to do so.

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