Saturday, January 27, 2024



There is no greater imperative for us than to glorify God. While we know this applies to all believers, the elders of the church must set the example in this. Jesus told us how—abide in Him and bear much fruit.

Christ calls us to FRUITFULNESS, (John 15:1-8). As a branch is connected to the grapevine, life flows into it, and fruit is produced from it. Without this vital connection, there will be no fruit. Abiding in Christ is essential. We can work our fingers to the bone and collapse in exhaustion and all we have done equals nothing!  How much of our effort will go up in smoke at the Judgment Seat of Christ because it was done in the energy of the flesh!

Christ calls us to FELLOWSHIP, (John 15:9-17).  Abiding in Him means abiding in Christ’s love and experiencing His abiding joy. This is the fellowship from being in the Word and on our knees in prayer, along with an ongoing sense of His presence. While it is our duty to serve Him, it is more. Jesus calls us His friends. This elevates our work from duty to delight. Our motivation is not obligation alone. It is passion that comes from devotion to our Friend. This is fruit that remains.  It is of eternal worth.  In the words of the old hymn, “What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms!”

Christ calls us to FAITHFULNESS, (John 15:18-16:4). This is not the way to becoming popular with the world. When the life of Jesus is manifested in and through us, the world will react to us as it did to Him. There was hate and rejection. They cursed Jesus and crucified Him. We have not signed up for a picnic, but persecution. Christ-likeness ignites the fury of Satan and all his minions.   Will we back down and back up, or will we abide in Him and stand resolute?  In the flesh, we will falter. Yet, we have the Spirit of God as our Helper. By His abiding power we can be faithful.

 “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John‬ ‭16‬:‭33‬‬).

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