Friday, September 15, 2023



We should exult in the incredible grace that has been extended to Gospel preachers!  The superlative nature of what we see in Scripture and hear from God in order to share with the church is truly remarkable!  

In Luke 10:23-24, Jesus is impressing this upon the first of our breed—New Covenant messengers.  Weigh His words. He is saying that in this dispensation we have seen the fulfillment of what kings like David and Solomon only saw dimly—a beam of light here and there, whereas we have seen the Light of the World. We have heard truths that prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah only heard in part—an occasional word from heaven, when we have heard the Word of Life!

Those men of God in the Old Testament were longing for God’s King and the Prophet Who was to come, and now we are privileged as New Testament preachers to look back at the Lord of Glory who has come. Their faith looked into the mists of the future in hope of the Lamb who would atone for sin, while we are honored to look back at the clear record of history and declare its accomplishment. 

That Book we hold in our hands is a treasure and the opportunity to see it and to hear from it is to share the unsearchable riches of Christ. Do we so cherish this privilege?  Is the thrill of that conveyed to the congregation at every occasion of our gathering?

I pray that as you study that it does not become just a monotonous thing. Please do not stand and speak to God’s church as mere routine. Exult in preaching!  If Hezekiah or Daniel were here today and saw and heard how some preachers are just doing a job and the people yawning through it, they would either be aghast or angry—maybe both!

Malachi might denounce us with these words:

 “For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My name  shall be great among the Gentiles; In every place incense shall  be offered to My name, And a pure offering; For My name shall  be great among the nations,” Says the Lord of hosts. “But you  profane it, In that you say, ‘The table of the Lord is defiled; And  its fruit, its food, is contemptible.’ You also say, ‘Oh, what a  weariness!’ And you sneer at it,” Says the Lord of hosts. “And you  bring the stolen, the lame, and the sick; Thus you bring an  offering! Should I accept this from your hand?” Says the Lord. (Malachi‬ ‭1‬:‭11‬-‭13‬‬). 

Let us, as preachers of this glorious message, ask God to give us eager eyes and ears to look and listen to His Word—to thrill our hearts anew with the inexpressible privilege we have!  Then tomorrow stand speak with joy to the people of God.

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