Saturday, June 17, 2023


“My schedule is insane!”  Have you ever thought that?  I know I have—many times. My wife has certainly told me that. Others might look at our calendar and think likewise. 

The truth is, if there are not occasions that people accuse us of being crazy, then we have failed in this area to be like Jesus!  His family thought Him so, and came to take Him away to the looney bin!

Here we see Him so consumed with His ministry that He does not take time to consume food. This chapter in Mark’s Gospel presents relentless activity, rolling in like the continual lapping of the waves of the Sea of Galilee on the shore. 

We have a brief amount of time to do what God has called us to do. God’s work demands the work of God in and through us. At the end of our strength, that is where we discover His power. God will give you the grace you need for this day, this hour, this moment—no matter how immense the demand may be. Do not worry about tomorrow—plunge into the task at hand. When—and if—tomorrow comes, the Lord will give you grace once more for the next challenge. 

People look at us and the sacrifices we make, and the earthly benefits so small, and think, “What a waste!  They are crazy!”  Our own family may think us mad to enter the ministry. 

That is being like Jesus!

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