Saturday, May 20, 2023



John the Baptist was one of the greatest preachers ever. Jesus said that concerning those of the Old Covenant dispensation, John topped the list. There had not been a greater mere mortal than John, (cf. Matt.11:11a).  That includes a lot of remarkable preachers: Noah, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and such. John was number one, as declared by the ultimate Judge!  

Yet, that is not what John saw as he looked at his reflection in the Jordan River. He was not dressed in finery, nether dined of delicacy, as he wore a robe of camel’s hair and leather belt, eating locusts and wild honey!  Though multitudes thronged to hear him and his message of repentance, delivered in the sacred anointing, resulting in masses of baptisms, he was content to be a voice crying in the wilderness. His motivation was to gather a crowd—not for himself, but to point to Jesus.  “He [Jesus] must increase, but I must decrease,” John said as recorded in John 3:30. John’s baptism in water was significant, but Christ’s baptism with the Spirit was superlative!  John was a herald, but Jesus was the King!

In our day of celebrity preachers, who have a name that is recognizable and a fame that is considerable, it is good for us to assume John’s position of the lowliest servant whose task was to untie his Master’s sandals. Even so, John felt unworthy of that work!  That was a lowly task, but these were the lovely feet of Jesus!  May we bow at those feet today, in anticipation of the position of worship we will assume as we fall at His nail-scarred feet in eternity!

Brothers, let us make much of Jesus!  May our voice cry out in this spiritual wilderness an announcement that, “The King is coming!  Prepare to meet Him!”

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