Sunday, January 15, 2023


God calls his preachers to be faithful and fearless. Whatever He says to us, we are to say faithfully and no matter the opposition we face to speak fearlessly. There are three significant factors to accomplish this.

It first demands COMMUNICATION WITH GOD.  Jesus said, “Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light,” (Matt.10:27a).  Our public proclamation is rooted in our private communion. We must get alone with God, and hear from God, before we can go and speak for God.  Then, we are to speak not a word more, nor a word less, but what God has spoken to us.

Second, this requires CLARITY FROM GOD. Jesus amplified, “and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops,” (Matt.10:27b). The Spirit may speak to us with a still, small voice—the whisper of the Word—but, we are to speak loudly and clearly. Let none misunderstand the message—at least, insofar as we can assure it.

Third, we exhibit COURAGE FOR GOD. Christ stresses, “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”  (Matt. 10‬:‭28‬‬). There will be those who hate the truth. They despise and deny God. Preaching God’s Word to such may be very costly. But, it costs far more to deny the Master and distort His message. If we fear God, we need not fear man.

My prayer for myself, and all those who preach God’s Word is that we be found faithful and fearless!

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