Saturday, October 1, 2022



Mystery Babylon has been with us since the flood and will be until the final days. Out of the polluted fountain of her false religion, every abominable belief system has flowed.  It will consummate in a global religion in the last days.

Although its form has manifested itself in varying ways, it is ultimately about deception versus truth, and thus, an assault on Him was is the True and Living God. The war is waged against Truth Incarnate—the Lamb of God.  Yet, we are confident that He will prevail and so we, as His followers, must persevere.

Not only must His preachers hold the sword of the Spirit—the Word of God—with firm grip, standing on the solid Rock of truth, but wield it against error. It is the theme of Spurgeon’s great call to arms in, “The Greatest Fight in the World.”  If you have not read it, you should get that book and immerse yourself in it today. It was the final manifesto from the “prince of preachers.”

Do you not know that men of God still suffer and are martyred for their faith?  In America, we may not have faced such, but the ominous storm clouds are gathering—a storm is at hand. 

Will we stand, if it breaks in our generation?  How often have we stood before our congregations and sung the invitation chorus, “The cross before me, the world behind me…no turning back.”  Are those empty platitudes, or do they express the conviction we hold? 

May the Lord give us grace to stand!  Victory is assured!

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