Saturday, September 10, 2022



“So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?’ 

Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 

And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.”  (‭‭Revelation‬ ‭13:4, 11, 14‬ ‭NKJV)‬‬

Satan is a counterfeit. He cannot duplicate the unequaled God, but he seeks to imitate Him. Our God is Triune—Father, Son, and Spirit.  In the end times, a diabolical trinity of evil will arise: the dragon, who is the devil; the beast, who is the antichrist; and the second beast, who is the false prophet (Revelation 13). In this unholy trinity, the dragon is set over against the Father, the antichrist against the Son, and the false prophet against the Holy Spirit.

Although the final manifestation of the unholy trinity will occur, as I believe, after the Bride of Christ has been caught up, there will be those who have never heard the Gospel who will come to faith even in those darkest of days, and the unholy trinity will “make war with the saints…to overcome them,” (Rev.13:7a).

Yet, in every age, and increasingly so as we speed toward the consummation of human history, Satan, government, and religion has warred against the people of God. It was true of John’s day as he was facing these same foes.

The pastor is strategically set to prepare the saints to stand in this spiritual war. Let us dress in the armor of God and rally our troops.

We anticipate TEMPTATION, from the Dragon, as the world is said to have, “worshiped the dragon,” (13:4a). Moral compromise is ever enticing. Many of God’s men have been brought down by it. The sensuality of this age is pervasive in our culture and the church members are assaulted by temptation daily. May God help us to stand!

We expect PERSECUTION, from the spirit of the Antichrist, even now a spirit at “war with the saints,” (13:7a).  Legal compromise that leads people to bow to government idolatry is coming. While the church in the West has had an unrivaled period of freedom from government tyranny, we cannot expect it to last. Even now, the government is ramping up its plans to eradicate those who oppose their despotic agenda. How long before a “soft,” persecution becomes a “hard” reality?  Pastor, are you prepared to pay the price, and are you equipping your flock?

We fight DECEPTION, from the false teachers, whose zenith will be the False Prophet of the last days. Doctrinal compromise has been a battlefield for the church throughout the ages, and remains so. The antidote to the poison of false teaching is proclamation of the Scriptures. We must make a clear clarion call with the trumpet of truth!

I realize there may be some who disagree with my interpretation of end times events. Yet, there should be agreement with the underlining spiritual principles. Even those, who like myself, expect Christ to remove His bride before He pours out His wrath on a godless world, dare not think that the church will be sailing along on a calm ocean and suddenly be in the harbor of heaven. Rather, the storm that is brewing will intensify. We face ever stronger headwinds. The waves of wickedness will mount higher. Ominous clouds will be darker and descend about us.

Are you ready for what is coming, and in many ways already is?

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