Saturday, July 2, 2022


The church at Philadelphia was a church with an open door. Every church needs to be!  By that, it is not meant that the door is open to invite people in, but to send people out. Inviting people to attend an evangelistic, Biblically grounded fellowship is a good thing. Yet, this is not what is meant. Rather, God had given the Philadelphian saints opportunity for Gospel ministry. They were sharing their faith and people were being reached. Now it seems that most churches do not go and tell or even invite people to come and see.

Pastors are not to blame—exclusively. This is not meant to make church leadership feel guilty—unless we are!  In these seven letters where Christ shows His vital interest in the affairs of the local church, it is the preacher who is first addressed. He is the angelos—“angel”—the messenger, for so the word means. His eyes will be first to read Christ’s words and his mouth will be the one to proclaim them. The saints at Philadelphia were seizing the opportunity for missions, and doubtless the pastor was leading them to do so.

Three traits enabled them to be successful in soul-winning, and we can experience these.

1.  THEIR FORCEFULNESS, “for you have a little strength.”  The power of the Spirit was the driving force behind their accomplishment.  The church’s witness began at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon them, with nearly 3,000 saved.  When any church is successful in reaching people there is a supernatural forcefulness possessed by pastor and people. 

2.  THEIR FAITHFULNESS, “have kept My word.”  They did not compromise the message to tickle the ears of the world. They were not driven by pragmatic reasoning to seek to reach people by stealth. When people come to genuine faith they are not manipulated by carnal methodology, but by Biblical accuracy. God has promised to bless His Word; do not be ashamed of it (cf.Rom.1:16).

3. THEIR FEARLESSNESS“have not denied My name.”  Those were days of growing hostility to the church.  As John penned this letter, he was imprisoned on an island for preaching the Gospel.  In many places in our world, following Christ is dangerous. This may soon come to America. Will we be fearless in the face of opposition?  The Devil will always oppose a missionary church. In the face of the Dragon, we must be fearless, whatever the cost.

Jesus promises reward if we are forceful, faithful, and fearless.  “Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.” (Rev.3:11).  No one can shut the door of opportunity, unless the church itself does so—and in that case we are no longer truly a church, but a country club with a steeple on top!

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches,”(‭3:13).‬‬

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