Saturday, May 15, 2021


Don’t do weddings.  There is nothing in Scripture that compels you to do so. A civil servant can officiate a wedding. I always shock people when they ask me to do their ceremony, as I respond, “I don’t do weddings.”  There is usually an awkward silence. Then I add, “But, if you would like to have a Christian home, then I would be happy to talk to you about that!”

God has placed us in the church and in our community to help establish Christian homes. The premarital counseling and the ceremony can be foundational to that end. There is an initial form sent out that will direct the first session.  I require four sessions. There have been times that the initial meeting becomes an evangelistic one.  I have been thrilled to see some come to faith in Christ in this process. 

The wedding is not the end, but the beginning. After the “I do’s” are said, there are a lot of “I do’s” to be done. Plugging the couple into a Bible study class and/or marriage mentoring group is so helpful. Find some solid saints with healthy homes who can work with the newlyweds. 

The local church will only be as strong as the families that comprise the membership. This makes a pastor’s role in this process crucial. Take it seriously.

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